Nov 9, 2013

Days 8 and 9/30 {WEEK 2/THEME: Surface Design & Textiles}

Days 8 and 9/30

Hey y'all! Welcome to WEEK 2 of my illustration challenge!! I'm so happy and thankful that you've been leaving me so much feedback and offering suggestions on future projects. Keep those ideas coming!

The theme for WEEK 2 is: {Surface Design & Textiles}

Very few people, and I mean *few*, have seen the process I'm presenting to you today. I call it "free-falling". Free-falling is a term I came up with a while back, during my Undergraduate studies as an Illustrator and while taking self-study, graphic design courses. In simpler terms, this word means 'to let go of ALL fear/inhibitions; be in the moment with no regard to time; appreciate the discovery process and revel in the possibility of whatever it is I'm doing. But, most importantly, the objective is to HAVE FUN! Sometimes, there is nothing specific that I'm trying to create- it's mostly experimentation + imagination + being silly and enjoying every moment of it!

Here's my process...I implement my 'free-falling technique' every time I want to create a unique texture to use as a background in my traditional and digital mixed-media illustrations. 

The first collage pic was created using acrylic paints, sewing pattern tissue paper, white china marker, white modeling paste and gloss medium.

Martice Smith II DAY 8

This picture shows another variation of my technique. I love creating markings that resemble tribal markings and, of course, adding LOTS of textures using a variety of mark-making tools such as pen caps, sponges, ends of brush handles, etc. Sounds like fun, right?!

Martice Smith II DAY 9

Well, those are DAYS 8 and 9 as promised!

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Important News: 
The WINNER of my giveaway has been selected! Yayy! Think you're the winner? Well, there's only one way to find out...that's right- you gotta come back, here, tomorrow, Sunday, November 10th

Do you ever work intuitively when you create or do you always plan out exactly what you want to do? Talk to me in the comment section, below!


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