Jul 26, 2015

Digital Quote Collage

Hey BeauTiful SouLS!

Have you ever wanted to merge your ‪‎mixed media‬ creations with ‪‎digital art‬ techniques but feel so intimated by technology? Don't know where to start?

Well, you've got perfect timing...
By popular request, I have put together a FREE tutorial called

Digital Quote Collage | Tutorial by Martice Smith II | http://bit.ly/DigitalQuoteCollage

I take the mystery out of creating art in the digital realm, using easy-to-understand terms, so that you can transform your art like never before.

Digital Quote Collage | Tutorial by Martice Smith II | http://bit.ly/DigitalQuoteCollage
Digital Quote Collage | Tutorial by Martice Smith II

Now is the time to step up your digital art creating game and develop the art you envision!

Oh just think of the possibilities that are waiting for YOU!! 
Leap here for the tutorial >> http://bit.ly/DigitalQuoteCollage <<

**side note: Although this quote isn't word-for-word, the essence remains the same. Thanks for looking!



  1. Love that! Thanks for your tutorial Martice!

    1. I'm so glad that you enjoyed my tutorial, Michelle! You're very welcome.


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